Yesterday I competed int the Sugarloaf Ultra Vista (SUV) Trail Run, a great event put on by Mark Dorion. The start was about midway between El Paso and Las Cruces and consisted of various out and back loops over varying terrain along the Sierra Vista Trail. Not a lot of vertical but plenty of rollers. I came into this with a "just a training run" attitude but competitiveness got the better of me. 6:16:30 for 60k and second place too (thanks for the award Mark)! Quite happy even though I did not run with my pack. Still a little early for that many miles with it.
Practice taping feet, worked out well - no blisters. The Kiensio Tex Gold tape works better than Elastikon. Not as thick, better adhesive and the paper backing makes it easier to cut. I also used "on the move food" rations for my race nutrition. Even after only 500 calorie breakfast it was sufficient to get me through the event. In fact I had some leftovers when I crossed the finish line. GU recovery brew at the end went down well.
Overall a good day!
Tawny dog on the Sierra Vista Trail |
Great job Mr. Sandman at S.U.V.! I ran some of those trails in Dec. when Mark hosted the Sagebrush Shuffle 9 hour trail run.