any of you that are so inclined, I believe you will be able to shoot me
an email in the field during the race! There should eventually be a
link on that lists all competitors names and race numbers. Look for a link that reads "écrire aux concurrents/write to competitors".
Messages are usually sent by clicking on the competitors name (Garth
Reader) and/or race number (1097). When you send a message, it is also
suggest that you list my name and race number in the "SUBJECT" of the
note, if it does not automatically appear when clicking on the provided
link. Please, do NOT send attachments or photos of any kind as those will go directly to a SPAM folder and I'll never see your note. If you happen
to pull up the site with French text you can switch to the English
version by clicking on the British/US flag on the top right side of the
home page.
Also please look at the "Medias" section for videos, etc.
Looking forward to hearing from you all!
HI honey! hope you are having fun in Ozz! I am doing well in Belgium - the beer the wine, the chocolate, the history.... :-) love you!